版本: Dev

Restart Task

URL: http://localhost:8888/openapi/restartTask?id=1&savePointPath=savePointPath_z5b86

Origin Url: http://localhost:8888/openapi/restartTask

Type: GET

Request headers

Header NameHeader Value


Path parameters
URL parameters
Body parameters

JSON document

Form URL-Encoded


Response example

Response document
"msg": "Result Message",
"code": "Result Code",
"data": {
"jobConfig": {
"checkpoint": "Check Point",
"jobName": "Name of the job",
"configJson": {},
"useAutoCancel": "Flag indicating whether to use auto-cancel",
"variables": {},
"address": "Job manager address",
"parallelism": "Parallelism level",
"clusterConfigurationId": "Cluster configuration ID",
"batchModel": "Flag indicating whether to use batch model",
"clusterId": "Cluster ID",
"type": "Flink run mode",
"statementSet": "Flag indicating whether to use statement set",
"pyFiles": [
"List of Python files"
"useResult": "Flag indicating whether to use the result",
"jarFiles": [
"List of JAR files"
"maxRowNum": "Maximum number of rows",
"fragment": "Flag indicating whether to use SQL fragment",
"savePointPath": "Save Point Path",
"useChangeLog": "Flag indicating whether to use change log",
"step": "Task JobLifeCycle",
"savePointStrategy": "Save point strategy",
"useRemote": "Flag indicating whether to use remote execution",
"taskId": "Task ID",
"gatewayConfig": {
"appConfig": {
"userJarParas": [
"User JAR file parameters"
"userJarMainAppClass": "Main application class in the JAR file",
"userJarPath": "Path to user JAR file"
"kubernetesConfig": {
"dockerConfig": {},
"tmPodTemplate": "TaskManager pod template for Flink jobs",
"configuration": {},
"jmPodTemplate": "JobManager pod template for Flink jobs",
"podTemplate": "Pod template for Flink jobs",
"kubeConfig": "KubeConfig"
"jarPaths": [
"Paths to the JAR files"
"clusterConfig": {
"hadoopConfigPath": "Path to YARN configuration file",
"flinkConfigPath": "Path to Flink configuration file",
"flinkLibPath": "Path to Flink library directory",
"appId": "YARN application ID",
"hadoopConfigMap": {},
"hadoopConfigList": [
"name": "Custom Config Name",
"value": "Custom Config Value"
"type": "Type of gateway (e.g., YARN, Kubernetes)",
"taskId": "ID of the task associated with the job",
"flinkConfig": {
"jobName": "Name of the Flink job",
"jobId": "ID of the Flink job",
"flinkConfigList": [
"name": "Custom Config Name",
"value": "Custom Config Value"
"configuration": {},
"savePoint": "Path to savepoint",
"action": "Action to perform (e.g., START, STOP)",
"flinkVersion": "Flink version",
"savePointType": "Type of savepoint (e.g., TRIGGER, CANCEL)"
"jobInstanceId": "Unique identifier for the job instance",
"jobManagerAddress": "Address of the job manager",
"error": "Error message in case of job failure",
"result": {},
"jobId": "Unique identifier for the job",
"success": "Flag indicating whether the job was successful",
"statement": "SQL statement executed by the job",
"startTime": "Start time of job execution",
"id": "Unique identifier for the job result",
"endTime": "End time of job execution",
"results": [
"total": "No comment,Type =Number",
"columns": [
"success": "No comment,Type =Boolean",
"limit": "No comment,Type =Number",
"rowData": [
"loadFactor": 1.0,
"threshold": 1,
"accessOrder": true
"startTime": "No comment,Type =String",
"page": "No comment,Type =Number",
"endTime": "No comment,Type =String",
"time": "No comment,Type =Number",
"error": "No comment,Type =String"
"status": "Status of the job"
"success": "Result is Success",
"time": "Result Time"